Chandana Tetali is a second-year medical student at Dell Medical School in Austin. Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, Chandana fell in love with languages and medicine from a young age, which pushed her to attend the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. Throughout this time, she became quite involved in her community via volunteering with children and underprivileged populations, further cementing her passion to help the underserved. Chandana was also a part of the GPPA Medical Scholars BS/MD cohort at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she received her B.S. in Neuroscience and minored in Philosophy. During her undergraduate career, Chandana continued her work with non-profit organizations, by restructuring Aahana (an NPO focused on helping marginalized communities in Chicago and India) and co-founding Art Breeds Ability (an NPO centered around creating art activities for children with disabilities) with her peers. Now, as VCO for CD Doyle, Chandana aims to help the clinic run efficiently and effectively, especially for the patients who are seeking acute care and for the students who wish to learn. She hopes to bring her particular interests in language barriers, health inequities, and preventative care to better serve the Austin community at large, with the simple mission of ensuring that everyone who walks through the doors of CD Doyle receives the quality care that they deserve.